OnTheGO Blog

BillGO’s Got the Brain Power

Written by Admin | Nov 6, 2017 7:00:00 AM

Have you ever heard of Bloomberg’s Brain Concentration Index? It follows business creation, employment and education numbers in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in cities across the country. And, there’s one state that has more cities in the top 10 than any other – Colorado.

The data gathered ranks three Colorado cities – Fort Collins, Boulder and Denver in the top 10 nationwide, with BillGO’s home, Fort Collins at #4, Boulder at #1 and Denver at #10. Guess where 95% of BillGO’s team is from? Yep, those 3 amazing cities. Those high rankings mean that all three cities are major tech hubs. But why?

Highly Educated Workforce:
According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, roughly 39% of adults in Colorado have at least a bachelor’s degree. On top of that, Forbes ranks the entire state #1 for highest percentage of associates degrees or college-experienced adults. Some come for an education at one of Colorado’s major universities and stick around after graduating to join the workforce.

Quality of Life:
Who doesn’t love the mountains, beautiful sunny days and an awesome culture? Colorado is consistently in the top 5 for healthiest, most physically active states. It’s all part of the equation for how we managed to snag Wade Arnold, the Founder and former CEO of Banno, to move to Colorado and work with BillGO.

In general, we’ve been very fortunate to lure some of the best brain power to join our ranks. From Dan Myers, an engineer with computer science bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Stanford, to Scott Miller, who’s a CPA and has a master’s in accounting, and Kelly Seidl, a former Google payments leader that created and connected international payments APIs – everyone on BillGO’s team is brilliant. Combined, we have decades of experience in the payments and financial industry to support our tech. Long story short, BillGO’s tech is kewl, and it’s because of the brain power behind it. That’s why we build, develop and deploy everything from right here in Colorado.